Where Manual Functional Testing Services can be performed?

 In the VUCA business environment, it is of paramount importance that software applications built by companies are high-quality, reliable and robust. An app found defective may lead to a major loss for a business - both in terms of reputation and finance.

An excellent way to validate the software system against functional requirements before it is released in the market is by conducting Functional Testing. Functional testing involves testing the entire system as well as its components against the specified functional specifications to ensure it can perform without any glitch.

Availing of functional testing services ensures that –

  • The end customer is happy with the software.
  • The software is bug-free.
  • The software meets the requirement specified.
  • The application follows safety and security guidelines.
  • It enhances the quality of the product.

There are several types of functional testing services and based on your requirement, you will need to decide whether functional testing would be helpful for you. Given below are some of those functional testing services and where you can use them.

Types of Functional Testing Services

Unit Testing:

  • Where: You will go for Unit Testing when you have complex integrated software and need to validate each unit of software separately. This is done to ensure high product quality and helps in speeding up the development process.

  • What: This testing is done before the entire software program is tested and aims at making sure that the individual parts work properly on their own. The testing validates the functions of each unit and ensures that desirable outputs are achieved. 

Integration Testing

  • Where: You will want to go for Integration Testing when you have self-contained applications or microservices that handle specific tasks and needs to communicate with other microservices for the software to work as intended.

  • What: Integration Testing is a type of functional testing which is often done in union with unit testing. In this type of testing, multiple units of the software are tested as a group to ensure that the units connect amongst themselves and communicate commands and data through the system as per their specifications seamlessly.

Smoke Testing

  • Where: You will need to use Smoke Testing, also known as build verification testing to check if a new or critical functionality of the software is being able to meet its objectives.

  • What: Smoke testing is a type of acceptance testing which is used to test the major functionality of the software in a non-comprehensive manner. The test is executed before any detailed functional test and serves as an initial check on the new software build to ensure its critical functionality is stable. The build undergoes further testing once the smoke tests are passed.

Regression Testing

  • Where: You will go for Regression Testing to verify how a new additional feature or a bug fix is interacting with the existing features. You will want to do Regression Testing when your team commits a new code or make changes to any feature of an already existing software.

  • What: Regression Testing is a full or partial selection of already executed test cases that are executed again to make sure that all the existing functionalities work fine. This testing helps in maintaining the stability of the product even after the extra features are added to it. While there are manual functional testing options present, the use of automated functional testing can help in shortening testing time.

Sanity Testing

  • Where: You will need to use this type of testing if you have added a new functionality or bug fix for an application and wants to be sure that it will work in a stable manner.
  • What: This testing will be done after receiving a software build. Sanity Testing is a type of regression testing where QA functional testing is done in specific target areas in which the changes have been made. It is similar to Smoke Testing and provides a gate check to the application to check whether the basic functionality and navigation for that specific web page are happening.

Component Testing

  • Where: You will want to do component testing when you will need to validate a part of the software.

  • What: Component testing, also known as module testing, is similar to unit testing and checks individual parts of an application. While in unit testing, the testing is done in a white-box format to check whether the program modules execute, component testing is done in a black-box format to check individual parts of the software.


If you want your software to be glitch and error-free, you may need to go for a functional testing company that will help with functional testing. Decide on where it can be performed and choose the best-suited one for your requirement. 


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